Organic Hair Loss Prevention

Stop Unwanted Hair Loss Naturally
Bio Follicle Mild Hair Support System backed by Registered Trichologist as a premium advanced vegan organic hair loss prevention remedy.
No animal by-products, artificial colors, perfumes, parabens, petrochemicals, SLS free (Sodium Laurel Sulfate) the science is there, study after study has concluded that the combination of herbal and botanical ingredients in our product stops hair loss, and stimulates hair re-growth.
Bio Follicle Treatment Spray Includes: Vegan Organic 4oz Spray [1Bottle]
Bio Follicle HSS backed by Registered Trichologist as a premium advanced vegan organic hair loss prevention remedy. No animal by-products, artificial colors, perfumes. parabens, petrochemicals, SLS free (Sodium Laurel Sulfate) the science is there, study after study has concluded that the combination of herbal and botanical ingredients in our product stops hair loss, and stimulates hair re-growth